Blower Motor Tip
A few years ago I replaced both of my heater blowers. One of them had started squealing so I decided to replace it again. Whilst taking it out the rubberised bolts sheared so I thought there must be an easier way of fitting the blowers back in.
I have used self adhesive under bonnet sounding proofing material. I cut two doughnuts out and stuck them on top of each other on the underside of the blower housing unit and then fitted an overlapped collar of the same material round the outside of the circular metal part that fits into the large hole into the top of the bumper. This is a simple pressure fit by compressing the material when fitting the heater housing.
It takes literally seconds to fit, is very secure and due to how it is isolated from the bodywork, totally silent in operation.
As fitted and viewed through the headlight opening and pre fitment.
Once again many thanks to Pete Humphries for another great tip.
Thanks Mick