Middlebridge Fuel Cut-Off Switch
Following a problem with the fuel cut off switch failing on MB 14, this is what I found out with a bit of investigation regarding the fuel cut off switch.
This is the original and is marked as 'Ford E1AE-9341-A2B First Inertia Switch'
From discussions with my local Ford garage these are no longer available. They were fitted to a number of Ford vehicles, including Sierras and Transits as well as Granada/Scorpio so crop up from time to time on Ebay. They also are available from America as some breakers there list them on Ebay too. I paid about £8 for a second hand switch including the multi plug lead and postage.
However, the local Ford Garage says that the recommended replacement is this: -
Which is a 4W7Z-9341-AA Switch. Other numbers which are on the box and might be of use are 466025 4W7J 9T310AA which might be for the Assembly. This is £55 plus VAT from Ford.
The unit itself is marked FoMoCo XS7T-9341-AA and the multi plug lead 4W7J-AA then 14A411
If, like me, you manage to break the multi plug connector on the original and this bothers you then the part number off the tag on the Ford lead I got to replace it is 87AG-0014406-BA then A/587539 JP.
Other switches are available and would probably be just as acceptable but if you want originality or to go with Ford parts then hopefully this will be of use.
Once again, many thanks to Will for this very concise article.
Cheers Mick G ;o)