Sywell Classic - Pistons and Props
28/09/2013 - 29/09/2013
Location: Sywell Aerodrome, Northamptonshire
A truly unique event that combines Classic Cars, Bikes, Hot Rods, Drag Racers, F1 cars, Live entertainment, Autojumble, Trade Stands, Funfair and of course Planes of all types. I am happy to say that I had forecast this event to be the one not too miss this year and I was proved right. ;o)
We had a variety of Middlebridge cars on the stand over the weekend. We also took the hospitality suite along with the MB van to relax in however the sun shone through on both days. I even managed to don some shorts which was very surprising considering it was virtually October!
Everyone that attended agreed that this inaugural event was one that they would be sure to attend next year and I'm sure that after seeing the pictures many more will want to attend next year. Bruce brought along his GTC still looking great and we also invited a two tone 6a to park adjacent to our stand. May I take this opportunity to thank George, Dan, Ray, Bruce, Gordon, Gary and everyone else for coming along and supporting the marque.
I think the best way to sell this event is to look at the pictures!
Regards Mick