Pistons and Props 2016
24-25 September 2016
Location: Sywell, Northamptonshire
This is our final outdoor show of the season and boy what a show, we had five cars on our stand (See pictures) and I think it's fair to say that we were all surprised at the continued increased interest in the marque, we noted this at the Manchester show a week before. We even had a very serious offer made for one of the cars on display but after much deliberation and nagging the owner decided that he wanted to keep his Middlebridge.
Once again many thanks to Bruce for bringing down the display trailer. One item yet again, mentioned by visitors was Middlebridge rising values as they are not listed in the magazines or are years out of date. This is something that we are hoping to address in the next three months and will be discussing at our next monthly meet at the Elms. J20 M1, approx 19.00hrs onwards on the 1st Monday of the month. As you will see from the picture taken from the event catalogue, we were the 'Spotlight' group at the event this year which was a very pleasant surprise. One last thing, please forgive my feeble attempts at a decent picture of car and plane, I was using my old phone but hopefully the idea was good and I think it gives a taste of the event. ;o)
Click each photo for large view