Sywell 'Pistons & Props'
September 21-22 2019
Location: Sywell, Northamptonshire
This is an annual outing for the MESS and this year we had 11 cars on display. The Saturday was full sun but Sunday PM saw us huddled in the gazebo. We love this show because of the relaxed nature and the venue. It's like a mini Goodwood Festival. Bruce and Allison were looking the part too. (See pictures).
Along with a vast array of classic cars and bikes there were- hot rods, race cars, drag cars and much much more. As you will see once again this year we had a Lancaster fly over along with Spitfires, Hurricanes and many others. Once again this year I think I will leave it to the pictures.
The oddball picture is of Middlebridge No 33 & 66 (mine and Matt my Sons) outside my factory post cleaning and ready to set off for Sywell. 'why you ask' well No 66 is already sold and her new owner is collecting her a week after the Sywell event and is driving her straight home to Sweden. Sadly it will probably be the last time anyone will see No 66 for a long time. The trip is 1,780 miles initial road test. (Now is that a record!).
It is sad to see her head abroad but I know the new owner will really look after, cosset and further fettle her. It is also nice to have one of the marque spreading the word in Scandinavia.
The new owner will write an article for the MESSage about his road test. 'Fingers very crossed'