NEC Lancaster Classic Car Show
November 11-13 November 2021
Location: NEC, Birmingham
After much deliberation we eventually decided to go-ahead with a marque stand this year but with a few conditions, we would fence our stand off so that only invited people could enter and we would also have a sanitizer station in place. I have to say these precautions worked perfectly over the weekend. We had three cars on the stand, Bruce's car was on one side drawing the attention of people walking in the centre aisle while my car and Alan's were directly facing the Silverstone Auctions.
Alan's electric blue Middlebridge was specked and driven originally by Dennis Nursey (MB CEO) who would be joining us on the Sunday along with Khoji. Dennis brought along an original photo of Alan's car with the Reynard 'Cadbury' race car, the photo was given to Alan and was very soon signed by both Dennis and Khoji, it's fair to say that Alan was delighted. We discussed the event at a local Pub over dinner and all agree that the NEC was once again a huge success for the marque and for myriad of reasons. We met up with several owners and enthusiasts, we had people looking to purchase cars including my gold car from the stand, we also had the Gentleman that owned 'Old Bentley Number No1 visit us on the stand to discuss the events surrounding Middlebridge Scimitar & the infamous Bentley No 1 and of course Ed Hubbard.
I do hope the pictures do the event justice and please note. They were taken prior to opening time otherwise, you would not see the stand.
Finally, it's time to do the honours'. Many thanks to George for storing and bringing the carpets to the NEC on the Thursday morning and for helping to lay the carpets & erect the stand. Laying the carpets is not a five-minute job as once again and to be different we decided to go for the red, white and blue colour theme.
Another BIG thank you goes to Alan for bringing along Dennis Nursey's (MB CEO's car) MB 35 to display on the stand & also to be re-united with Dennis. Alan also helped to erect, dismantle & man the stand over the weekend.
Will, once again drove down from the Scottish Highlands and arrived early on the Thursday, helped erect and manned the stand throughout the event before having to jump in his car Sunday afternoon to punch it straight back to the Scottish Highlands that night (Phew). Once again thank you from us all Will.
Finally, Bruce, once again Bruce computer generated our proposed stand in advance, please see his plan below in the pictures area. Again, we had many people remarking on it being the best stand at the show! Surely this is one of the main reasons that we have such a prominent position at this prestigious event. This year we were at the entrance to the Silverstone Auction, probably one of, if not the best stand location at the event. It never ceases to amaze how Bruce manages to get the whole stand in his MB and tiny trailer. Once again, Thank you, Bruce.
It was also great to finally meet up with my brother and his Wife Tracey after two years because of covid.
Sorry for going off piste but my 'other' car of the show, this beautifully ugly car really hit the spot. What do ya all think or am I just plain crackers.
Regards Mick