Brooklands visit on Drive it Day
24th April 2022
Location: Brooklands, Surrey
Brooklands visit on Drive it Day 24th April 2022
The MESS "Middlebridge Enthusiasts Scimitar Set" organised a second trip to Brooklands this time to celebrate Drive it Day 2022. (We once again booked the awesome weather) We had cars from Lincoln, Notts, Derbyshire, Northants, B'ham, Wilts and Surrey drive down to celebrate the day and enjoy the Brookland's experience and of course get pictures of us on the famous embankment.
We were also chosen to do a short film by Brooklands TV, (which can apparently be viewed on youtube) I'm sure you will agree, a 'drive it day' to remember.
The car park pictures were our mass meeting point prior to heading to Brooklands in convoy, some people stayed over and got a lay in while others had a nice early start. We had agreed to leave the car park at 08.30 sharp. The bulk of the pictures are on the famous Brooklands embankment from various angles, I must say I think Peter Mcluskie's pictures from the bridge were different and stunning.
We all owe Alan Timmis (Syd) and BIG thank you for organising the event and we look forward to his next event. ;o)
Mick Gaughran
Middlebridge Registrar.