Sandringham Paegent of Motoring
5th June 2022
Location: Sandringham
Royal Sandringham Pageant of Motoring 5th June 2022
Part of the official Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
The MESS "Middlebridge Enthusiasts Scimitar Set" are delighted to have 5 cars from all over the Country exhibit at the Royal Sandringham Pageant of Motoring on 5th June 2022. Certainly, a day to remember.
Our cars came from across the UK, all meeting up at the Purple Palace in Kings Lynn on the Saturday to enjoy a good meal and plenty of banter prior to heading off on the final leg to Sandringham in convoy the following morning.
Cars from Derby's, Notts, Lincs, West Mid's and Northants attended the event which was a great success. Unfortunately, it rained throughout the night before and until approx. 11.00am. However, once the rain stopped very large numbers of visitors suddenly flocked to this very special event.
There was a special car parking area for individual classic entries & boy that was a great success and a great walk. Once again I think the pictures tell the story better.
Pictures courtesy of myself and Alan Cavebdish-Tibe.
Middlebridge Registrar
Mick Gaughran.