Autokarna 2010
Location: Nottingham
Autokarna was chosen as an event at which to celebrate 21 years of the Middlebridge Scimitar. 16 cars turned up in near Monsoon conditions and in spite of the weather we had a great time with two Gazebo's to chin -wag away in and the beautiful house and grounds of Wollaton Hall to explore. George Sampford once again pulled out all the stops and we had celebratory 21st banners and baloons covering our entire Middlebridge Stand. I had arranged for Mr John McCauley (Ex Joint MD Middlebridge) to attend and cut a cake with Scimitar Sword (thanks George) to celebrate the 21 years.
John McCauley and Family turned up in spite of the weather the cake was cut amid plenty of camera action. weeks earlier I had bartered with my Daughter Becky to make a cake for the occasion and I'm sure everyone enjoyed it ( well none went home!!). We also chose this event to show off our new Middlebridge embroidered shirts and Jackets for the first time and as you may or may not realise from the pictures neither George or myself are male models.
The Middlebridge Mob were selected to drive their cars around the Public arena and one in particular to stand there and address the crowd and speak about the history of the Nottingham Built Middlebridge Scimitars. 'I was voted in for that dubious honour.' I would now like to take the opportunity to say 'THANK YOU' to all that attended as without you there is no point and especially to those that have made this their first event and look forward to seeing you all again soon.
The video below shows the cake being cut. Don't worry, only the first second of the video is the wrong way up!