Sandringham Pageant of Motoring
26th May 2024
Location: Sandringham
Well, how and where to start, Alan Cavendish Tribe and myself arrived at Sanders' lunchtime on Saturday with our Middlebridges, we were armed with Bruce's site plan to mark out the marque stand and create a centre spot for the Royal Middlebridge. At the same time George was trailering the Royal car from the Great British Car Journey and arrived in the afternoon, George dropped the trailer in the agreed location and went off to find his overnight pitch.
Alan and I completed the provisional stand erection and we parked my car in the centre spot for the night. Just before we left, Alan had a great idea, so just prior to leaving the site on the Saturday we decided to take some special shots of the Royal Car in strategic positions at Sandringham, we quickly unloaded the car and drove it to the Royal Marquee and then to a location near to the house and finally to the church on the edge of the estate that the Royals use each Sunday, we then quickly returned the car to its trailer for the night. Alan and myself then drove back to Kings Lynn in his lovely original Middlebridge for a few beers and an evening meal, we met up with Bruce & Ali, and Syd and Sandra for more beer and banter and agreed to meet at breakfast at 7am.
At morning Breakfast we met with Grahame & Rosemary, MB 60 who had arrived from Somerset! 7.45am and all full to the brim we all left Kings Lynn and were instantly joined by David in his lovely Guards Red Middlebridge No 69 for the half hour drive in convoy to Sandringham as we still had a stand to complete and be ready for the 10.00 kick off.
We were indeed ready for 10.00 kick off with everyone helping. However and TBH the weather was not great and was also poor on the Saturday as well. :(
The stand was huge in size with the Royal car attracting attention all day (I was surprised just how much, we even had to get someone out of the car at one point!) in the afternoon we were booked to do a parade in a special arena while the cars were discussed with their prospective drivers, George drove the Royal MB No 5 and Alan drove my car while I shot a short video. (Please see attached, fingers crossed). Was the event a success, Yes, because a large number of people visited the stand and took leaflets away and in spite of the weather we all had a great time, a laugh and met new friends, which is what it's all about.
We must end this with a thank you to George who essentially pulled the trailer for 5 hours each way to make the event such a success, Bruce & Ali for yet another awesome stand and the ingenious use of the trailer, Alan Cavendish Tribe who spent hours and hours organising the event for us and believe me this is not an easy job, Syd & Sandra for bringing MB50 and his lovely jacket, Sandra's awesome cakes that we all devoured. :o), David for bringing along his beautiful Guards Red MB No 69 to display and finally Grahame & Rosemary who travelled from Somerset in a lovely MB 60 for the event.
Pictures include:
- Photos of the Royal Middlebridge at various locations as below.
- Outside Sandringham
- Outside the Church
- In front of the Royal Marquee
- The Royal MB Being paraded by George with Alan Cavendish Tribe following behind in the Gold car.
- Various pictures of the huge stand and all cars on display.
- Pictures of the enclosed trailer with banners attached by Bruce.
- Bruce's electronic floor plan that Alan and myself worked from on the Saturday.
- Classic Car Weekly Magazine article
- Alan (Syd) and George, enough said me thinks. :)
Thanks All Mick,