Autokarna 2013
Location: Wollaton Hall, Nottingham
Wollaton Hall is a large country house standing on a small but prominent hill in Wollaton Park, Nottingham, England. The house is now the Nottingham Natural History Museum, with Nottingham Industrial Museum in the out-buildings.
Opened in 1588
Vintage & veteran vehicle displays, auto-jumble, live-music, children's entertainment, new car show, refreshments, craft and charity stalls. A fun day for all the family!
2013 was a great event with loads of sunshine, hundreds of classics and thousands of visitors. The MESS had 5 cars on their stand. George and I took the MB hospitality sweet towed by my MB as Georges car is having the interior re-trimmed at the moment. When we arrived at Wollaton Hall on the Saturday it was very quiet as you will see from some of the pics we took of my car. These pictures were soon followed up with the opening some red and going out to endure a huge four course Indian banquet before sampling yet more of the red stuff. Needless to say we slept well and by nine o'clock in the morning our lonely pitch had been invaded by hundreds of classics coming at us from all directions. All of the MB's looked good on the pitch with Pete's Green car being redied for paint. We also had a lovely GTC join us for the day. Two- ex Middlebridge employees also visited our stand for a chin-wag and both signed our well known pub sign before leaving us. The whole event was very relaxed and I do look forward to next years event 'weather permitting' as last years event was a complete wash out. I think the pictures say it all. ;o)