
Isle of Wight Foray

September 2024

How time flies, it only seems a short time since we last headed for the IOW, Most of the mob headed south on Tuesday / Wednesday 3rd & 4th September and stayed in Portsmouth whilst Alan Cavendish Tribe, his Son James, myself and Matt went for an early start on the Friday to meet with them prior to heading to the Ferry in convoy.

Brookhill Hall, Derbyshire

11th August 2024

This is a wonderfully relaxed location and the venue chosen to do the Classic & Sportscar Photo-shoot and road test of MB No 5 (formerly the Princess Royal's car) just prior to the car being trailered to the Great British Car Journey Museum where it will remain on indefinite display.

John McCauley RIP

21st June 2024

The sad news of John's death was imparted to all on Will's email list, including an invite for anyone to attend, driving their Middlebridge Scimitars if possible.

Sandringham Pageant of Motoring

26th May 2024

Well, how and where to start, Alan Cavendish Tribe and myself arrived at Sanders' lunchtime on Saturday with our Middlebridges, we were armed with Bruce's site plan to mark out the marque stand and create a centre spot for the Royal Middlebridge.

Isle of Man Adventure 16-21 May 2024.

16-21 May 2024.

LOST! - (On a small island)

So, we have this notion that a trip to the Isle of Man (Ellan Vannin to the poetic types) might be fun so three of us Middlebridges, plus one interloper, sign up with Scenic Car Tours (SCT) for their May bash.

Practical Classics Classic Car & Restoration Show 2024

22-24 March 2024

Wow, this is different an event in March, it's a very early start to the year but it's an indoor event so not controlled or effected by the weather. This was a first for the MESS, we had only ever displayed at the big November NEC show but what a surprise, the show was very good and we had a lot of interest in cars on the stand.

Sywell 'Pistons & Props' 23/24 September 2023

23/24 September 2023

Goodness me, I can't believe it, we're already at our final outdoor show of the season! As usual we have a marque stand at Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire and this year was a great success on two fronts, we had good interest in the cars on the stand with many people reading our banners thus increasing the awareness of the marque.

HRH The Princess Royal's Middlebridge No 5

August 2023

Middlebridge Scimitar No 5 A very special car with a unique history. Reg: F417 RR0 formerly 1420 H.

NEC Lancaster Classic Car Show 2023

November 2023

Boom! What an event. Once again Bruce knocked it out of the park with another truly awesome marque stand. We were delighted to have HRH, The Princess Royal's Middlebridge on the stand on loan from the Great British Car Journey Museum, I can honestly say, that car alone kept us busy over the three days!

IOW Classic Car Extravaganza 2023

08/9/23 - 11/9/23

I missed this event last year due to illness and have spent much time hearing how good it was and being teased (in fun) with awesome pictures and stories.

NEC Classic Car Show 2022

10,11 & 12th November 2022

Well, what a show and where to start. Once again, Bruce bartered for a great stand location. This year we decided to pay for the carpet in advance, this really made life easier for us, on Thursday we could focus our time on erecting another bespoke stand designed and built 'once again' by Bruce Beauchamp

Sywell Pistons and Props

24th & 25th September 2022

This event has become an annual gathering for the MESS. Once again we had a good turnout of cars over the weekend.

Isle of Wight Charity Classic Car Extravaganza

3rd & 4th September 2022

Bruce & Alison Beauchamp, George & Maggie Sampford, Pete & Marie Humphries, Alan & Sandra Timmis, Paul & Kate Crocker and Alan Cavendish-Tribe ventured overseas to the Isle of Wight to participate in Classic Car Extravaganza on 3rd & 4th September

Sandringham Paegent of Motoring

5th June 2022

Royal Sandringham Pageant of Motoring 5th June 2022

Part of the official Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.

Brooklands visit on Drive it Day

24th April 2022

The MESS "Middlebridge Enthusiasts Scimitar Set" organised a second trip to Brooklands this time to celebrate Drive it Day 2022.

NEC Lancaster Classic Car Show

November 11-13 November 2021

After much deliberation we eventually decided to go-ahead with a marque stand this year but with a few conditions, we would fence our stand off so that only invited people could enter and we would also have a sanitizer station in place.

Sywell Piston and Props 2021

25-26 September 2021

Finally a modicum of normality has appeared on the horizon, this was the 1st official MESS event since the covid nightmare erupted 'Oh' so long ago

Lancaster Insurance, NEC Classic Car Motor Show

8 - 10th November 2019

As you will be aware 2019 is the 30th Anniversary of the Middlebridge GTE. To celebrate the anniversaries of various marques the NEC decided to trial a dedicated anniversary hall and boy did Bruce put on a show, many people including our hosts remarked on the quality of our display "Thank you Bruce" as you will see from the pictures we had two very special cars on display.

Sywell 'Pistons & Props'

September 21-22 2019

This is an annual outing for the MESS and this year we had 11 cars on display. The Saturday was full sun but Sunday PM saw us huddled in the gazebo. We love this show because of the relaxed nature and the venue. It's like a mini Goodwood Festival. Bruce and Allison were looking the part too.

Route 66, Regent Street Motor Show

2nd November 2019

The 'MESS' were invited to display Midddlebridge Scimitars at the prestigious invite only London 'Regent Street' Motor Show.

Brooklands Concorde Experience

25th August 2019

Having initially suggested a Concorde event I was looking forward to heading South to Brooklands. (our chosen venue.) The other owners were staying over at a local hotel but I had to work on the Saturday. Anyway Matt and I met up early and flew down there in my Middlebridge incredibly we were there waiting for the others to come to breakfast at 7am.

MESS 30th Anniversary, Silverstone 26-28 July 2019

26-28 July 2019

After much discussion at the monthly MESS meetings throughout 2018, we decided to hold the Middlebridge 30th Anniversary at the Silverstone Classic. (Boy was it the right decision).

Silverstone Classic Media Day 2019 (Special Invite)

10th April 2019

The "MESS" Middlebridge Enthusiasts Scimitar Set were delighted to be specifically invited to the Silverstone Classic Media day. We spent time in the Classic display area and time driving circuits of the full GP circuit, I was chosen to be lead car as I have previously been around the circuit on many occasions. Professional photographers and video footage was also taken. We also had a good chat with Tiff Needell.

Lancaster NEC Classic Car Show 2018

8th - 11th November 2018

Once again we were selected to display our cars in the NEC Premier Hall, No2. The theme selected by the NEC this year was "Built to last" our stand reflected this, everyone loved the line up of cars in front of the Lancaster Bomber.

Sywell 'Piston & Props' 2018

22,23 September 2018

The MESS always look forward to this event, we all thoroughly enjoy the relaxed light hearted banter & atmosphere and all of the different activities on offer including the many classic car displays

Manchester 'Event City'

14, 15, 16 August 2018

This is the third year we have attended this prestigious event and once again Bruce came up trumps with a great stand

Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre

16th June 2018

Bruce arranged this brilliant event complete with a professional photo-shoot with the Lancaster Bomber. We all had a great day out with lots to do. We watched the Lancaster taxi up and down morning and afternoon. People could book seats for the trip. I believe there is a 2 year waiting list!

Ace Cafe

23rd May 2018

Ace Cafe meet

MESS at the Ace

23rd May 2018.

The MESS 'Middlebridge Enthusiasts Scimitar Set' met up, this time at the iconic Ace Cafe venue on the North Circular Road, London where owners and enthusiasts had a great time with owners coming & going during the day.

NEC Classic Car Show 2017

November 2017

We were once again located in the Premier hall directly adjacent the Silverstone auction area, our position was undoubtedly one of the best at the whole event and boy didn't we know it. On the Friday (the most expensive & quietest day usually) we were overwhelmed by the number of people coming to our stand to discuss the Middlebridge marque.

Sywell, Pistons and Props

September 23/24 2017

The MESS have attended this great from day1 and this year was no exception. It gives Bruce the opportunity to set up out the outside stand and organise our marque display. Once again we were kept very busy over the weekend and may have even sold a car from our display!!

Manchester Show, Event City

16/17 September 2017

Yet another great creation from Bruce that once again drew people to our stand over the weekend. Bruce, George and all of the owners are owed a big thank you for making it an event to remember. Hope you like the pictures and boy did the Batmobile bring back memories.

Lancaster Insurance Classic Car Show

11-13 November 2016

Well what an event! We were all totally shattered but elated after what was our busiest & most successful NEC event ever. Everyone that visited us loved the stand and the feedback was scimply brilliant. Yes the stand was smaller this year but that was the penalty for being located the premier hall and in a premier location.

Zoute Grand Prix

October 2016

The Zoute Grand Prix. Ever heard of it? I hadn't but did read an article in a Classic Car journal whilst flying back from the states a few months ago. It read that the event was like a Belgium equivalent of our Goodwood Revival save the circuit racing. What an opportunity I thought it would be to see if we could get a Middlebridge assessed and invited to attend an International Concours d 'elegance.

Pistons and Props 2016

24-25 September 2016

This is our final outdoor show of the season and boy what a show, we had five cars on our stand (See pictures) and I think it's fair to say that we were all surprised at the continued increased interest in the marque, we noted this at the Manchester show a week before.

Footman James Manchester Classic Car Show

17-18 September 2016

This event is a first for the MESS and our stand was contiguous with the High Peak Reliant stand and I must say they put on a great and varied display of the various Reliant models.

NEC Classic Car Show 2015

November 2015

Rumour had it that this year's Show was a third larger than last years. There were many more visitors to our stand which was manned everyday by 'new' MB owner Jonathan Smith, Bruce Beauchamp, RSSOC MB Registrar Will Anderson, George Sampford, Dan Mitchell and myself.

Pistons and Props 2015

September 2015

This event seems to have become a firm Middlebridge favourite, once again we were blessed with great weather for the whole weekend. As well as a myriad of different classic cars on display there was a fantastic air display's especially on the Saturday when we were treated to a wonderful 'Battle of Britain' display air display.

NEC Classic Car Show 2014

November 2014

This year a combined stand was agreed and we were contigious with the RSSOC and the ROC and I must say I felt that it worked very well for everyone

Middlebridge 25th Anniversary / Reunion

20th & 21st September 2014

This event has been some four years in the making and was the premier event of our 25th Anniversary year. The culmination of much work between the MESS "Middlebridge Enthusiasts Scimitar Set" and our Royal contacts and boy it was a real learning curve!.....

Autokarna 2014


Once again we booked the hottest day of the year to date and we all bathed in glorious sunshine. The huge visitor-turnout enjoyed a super event with hundreds of Classic Cars, Buses, Trucks, Motor Bikes and many side events as well. We had five cars on display with two of the Middlebridge's making their first outings, one after a respray and the other after a full restoration! Bruce Beauchamp arrived in his Reliant GTC as his proper Scimitar was delayed at the trimmers...

NEC (Footman James Classic Car Show) 2013

15/11/2013 - 17/11/2013

This year the MESS was allocated a stand in a separate hall from our cousins, the RSSOC and the ROC....

Sywell Classic - Pistons and Props

28/09/2013 - 29/09/2013

A truly unique event that combines Classic Cars, Bikes, Hot Rods, Drag Racers, F1 cars, Live entertainment, Autojumble, Trade Stands, Funfair and of course Planes of all types. I am happy to say that I had forecast this event to be the one not too miss this year and I was proved right...

Barton's Garage and Nottingham Heritage Day

14/09/2013 - 15/09/2013

Once again we returned to Nottingham for the Heritage Open Day and the relaxed Bartons Garage event. On the Saturday five cars lined up at Bartons Garage. Last year we endured the hottest day of the year but this year it was cold and rainy. Hmmm... Weather aside, we had a good time with much banter and a serious buyer trying to urgently buy a Middlebridge.....

Autokarna 2013


Wollaton Hall is a large country house standing on a small but prominent hill in Wollaton Park, Nottingham, England. The house is now the Nottingham Natural History Museum, with Nottingham Industrial Museum in the out-buildings...

NEC (Footman James Classic Car Show) 2012

16/11/2012 - 18/11/2012

Yet another milestone!!! The Middlebridge Scimitar has been accepted as a Classic Car in its own right by the organisers of the NEC Footman James Classic Car Show

Curborough 2012

18/08/2012 - 21/08/2012

We were lucky enough to have reasonable weather all weekend. We had six Middlebridge on the Friday, six on the Saturday and Ten on the Sunday....

Barton's Garage, The Bee-keeper and Lilac Grove

08/09/2012 - 09/09/2012

The 2012 event was scheduled to be on the hottest day of the year and by golly it was hot! There was a wide variety of classics on display at the Bartons Garage site...

Nottingham Heritage Day 2011


Once again the MESS returned home to Nottingham to celebrate the Heritage weekend and yet again it was a great success....

Silverstone Classic 2011


For me, this was the event of the year for both the Middlebridge and the RSSOC and a great opportunity to show our cars to a vast audience of true car enthusiasts....

Powderham Castle 2011


Once again I fancied the trip South to Powderham Castle for a truly relaxing weekend I discussed this event in detail with George and we decided to road test our new acquisition....

Autokarna 2010


Autokarna was chosen as an event at which to celebrate 21 years of the Middlebridge Scimitar. 16 cars turned up in near Monsoon conditions and in spite of the weather we had a great time with two Gazebo's to chin -wag away in and the beautiful house and grounds of Wollaton Hall to explore....

Innaugural Middlebridge Rally


This event was organised by George Sampford who has really excelled and helped forward the marque this year (well done and thanks George). This event followed closely behind the Curborough anniversary meet and although not as many cars attended (10 in a row) the event was a huge sucess, the cars were lined up in the Centre of Nottingham (Market Square) with our banner proudly advertising the marque, the people of Nottingham were very keen and interested in the cars and some were shocked to discover they were built just around the corner in Beeston.

The Middlebridge 20th Anniversary - re union


The Middlebridge 20th Anniversary - re-union was held at Curborough Sprint Circuit on the 16/08/09. There was a fantastic turnout of 25 cars all of which were in great condition , in spite of the day being so hectic I did manage to snap a few photos...

Inaugural Disneyland Paris Classic Car Extravaganza

04/06/2008 - 08/06/2008

International Recognition at last!! Over the past year we have all worked extremely hard to improve our marque's image, status and awareness via this website and by having several good articles published in the Classic Car Press. While promoting our marque at the NEC 2007 I was handed a flyer advertising a totally new event (the Inaugural Disneyland Paris Classic Car Extravaganza) I was quite taken by the flyer and decided to book my holiday in Southern Spain to co-inside with returning via Disneyland.

The Middlebridge Re-Union


The Re-Union was held at the Plank & Leggit Pub (where else but a pub) on the 18/05/2002, the event was well attended and many cars were parked in the car park, I would like to say many thanks to all that have sent in pictures of the cars in attendance on the day...
